
Our Projects will always answer the following questions:

  • How does the project this benefit and grow the community?

  • How does the project empower the community?

  • How does the project contribute to the free flow of the gospel, and to its clear understanding and acceptance?

  • How does the project this benefit and grow the community?


We believe that the only person who can changes people’s hearts, minds and attitudes is Jesus Christ.

The mission teams (short and long) will be composed of peoples willing to share their time, talents and treasurer with the local missionaries to train and implement various projects. We hope to build a Christian Model for community leadership, providing growth, and sustained development with an emphasis on:

  • Active participation of the process

  • Readiness and Courage to explore and reach new frontiers

  • Collaboration towards investment

  • Passionate and enthusiastic about change

  • Responsibility & Accountability