Meet Our Partners and Sponsors
Partners are the most-integral part of Compass360’s presence in Zambia. It is through the relationships that we build with local leaders and local organizations, that will help us to collaboratively create income generating and revenue-building projects. Our goal is to break the generational poverty cycle in Zambia strategically, by developing education, trades, commerce and industry projects that will ultimately provide self-sustainability, independence, a changed mindsets; most importantly these projects will give Zambians a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Every Orphan’s Hope
Orphans and Widows
Cimonwa Missions
Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Child Evangelism
and Youth Leadership Ministry
Alliance for
Cooperate Social Responsibility
Maween Foundation
Corporate Sponsors
Jesus Christ alone is our provider; we believe he has already been and will continue to work through us, our partners, as well as our thoughtful sponsors and generous donors so that we can fulfill the great commission and feed his sheep. Sponsors are those individuals, churches, and/or companies that share our vision for Zambia. Our sponsors will be praying for us continually, and provide human and financial resources to assist with in-country community projects. Lives are transformed by the gospel, and opportunities are created by the love and support of our sponsors and donors!
John 21-16-17