Pastor Edward

Pastor Edward grew up in Virginia but spend the greater part of his adult life in southern California. He is married to Toni and they have been married for 34 years and they have 6 children. While traveling across the country on July 29th, 1998, he heeded the call from God to enter full-time ministry and has spent the last 22 years teaching and preaching the gospel to those who would hear. After pastoring a local church for 13 years, Pastor Edward is currently the Pastor of Compass Bible, one of the rare home churches in Virginia. Outside of ministry, He is also a Licensed Realtor, Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Internal Auditor, and a Director of Finance. However, he takes every opportunity to share the gospel with those who cross his path.  His greatest commitment is to reach, raise, train, and empower a leadership generation to be prepared to give every man an answer for the hope that lies within us, and in doing so, enlighten those who hear with the gospel of Jesus Christ.