Janna Bowman
Janna’ s first trip to Zambia was in 2004. In her words, “I just resigned from my job and sent an email to my friends and colleagues to share the news. That email changed the trajectory of my life. From the moment I hit send, I got an immediate reply, followed by a call, coffee and an invitation to go to Zambia all in about a week. The invitation wasn’t to go with a missions team or for a specific project but to go with a collection of people going to Zambia. From that time in 2004, I gained an incredible best friend and passion for Zambians – the country, the food, the people, and their deep love for Jesus. I knew somehow I would be part of ministry in Zambia but I didn’t know how or when. In 2019 when I heard John and Amy share their vision of Compass 360 Missions and then asked me to serve on the board, I knew God was calling me for such a time as this.”
For over 30 years, Janna has designed events that bring ideas to life, the power to messages, and empowers audiences to action. She weaves her fundraising, storytelling, and passion to encourage and equip people with every client, guest, and word. She has worked with many non-profits, including Prison Fellowship with Chuck Colson, Family Research Council, Patrick Henry College and currently, runs her own company, J. Duck Productions.
Originally from the west Texas town of El Paso, she had an incredible opportunity to grow up in a Christian family. She came to Christ at summer camp during middle school, and her faith and hope in Jesus Christ have been her daily foundation ever since.